“Ayurveda’s Proverb: “When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is right, medicine is of no need.”
Ayurveda is the most ancient conscious based holistic healing system of nutritional medicine and consciousness, known as “ Mother of Science” to guide and enhance our wellbeing and life. It emphasizes on the whole body approach to health, by focusing on each individual’s needs, based on lifestyle, bodily composition (doshas), diet, thinking process, emotional and habitual behavior to restore the body’s natural balance to heal itself, and to bring you back to wholeness.
We each have a unique bodily composition (doshas) that is different from others; therefore, require a different nutritional/ diet & lifestyle plan that is specific to us.
My goal is to guide you toward optimal health, wellness, and immunity, through nourishing diet, exercises and lifestyle that will enhance your health, balance, cleanse and rejuvenate you to become stronger, more radiant, energized, and more youthful inside and out.